Agent Permissions ensures that agents only have access to the tymeshift features they need to use. When you set up your Account Preferences, make sure to allow or restrict access to features in a way that reflects your organization's structure and access management system. You can specify different permissions for your agents, team leads, admins, managers, etc.
Note: please make sure agents refresh their browser so Agent Permission changes can take take effect.
- Set features that your agents can access
- Assign a Role to an agent(s)
- Export agent list
- Use the filtering options
Set features that your agents can access
You can set or edit permissions to access certain tymeshift features by following these steps:
- Go to Admin
- Click on Agent Permissions.
- Type agent's name in the search bar.
- Select/Unselect the features you want that agent to access.
- Optional: if you wish to assign the same permissions to multiple agents we recommend to use
Important: make sure to accurately review the users you are applying the current permissions and verify if you want to be included in the changes being applied.
Creating and assigning Roles is helpful when you are organizing agents. To assign a Role to your agents, simply click on the button and select one of the Roles from the drop-down list. If you haven’t created any Roles yet, you can still define each agent’s permissions here by selecting No Role.
Export agent list
If you need to export your agent list, click here to learn how.
If you want to have a clearer view and easier navigation of the agent permissions page, you can filter the agent list in order to show you exactly what you want to see. E.g. Only Active users
In the GIF below you can see where the filters section is located and how to use it
Do note that agents will only appear within their default group while filtering.