This is a legacy feature that is no longer available for customers who signed up for Tymeshift after July 27th, 2022.
We're focusing on new things
No need to worry; you'll still have access to this feature, but unfortunately, we can no longer support the Schedules after 1st of December 2023. The good news, though, we're replacing it with new and improved features that will be even better. This feature is being replaced with Schedules. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us at
Unassigned Shifts are simply shifts without an assignee (makes sense, right?). Depending on your Schedule Settings agents can either take this type of shift with or without a manager's approval. You can also turn this feature off entirely so that agents cannot take Unassigned Shifts. In addition, you can assign an Unassigned Shift to any of your available agents.
- Create Unassigned Shifts
- Approve Unassigned Shifts
- Assign Unassigned Shifts
- Taking Unassigned Shifts (Agent's perspective)
To create Unassigned Shifts, follow the steps below:
- Log into your tymeshift WebApp.
- Go to Schedule .
- Click on the button located on the upper right of your screen.
- Enter all of the necessary information and leave the assignee(s) box empty.
- Click the button.
The shift will appear in your Schedule in the Unassigned row. Once you publish your Unassigned Shifts, those shifts will appear in your agents' My Schedule view. Then, they will be able to take them with or without a manager's approval, depending on your settings.
If you allow agents to take Unassigned Shifts with a manager's approval, follow the steps below to approve or deny their requests:
- Log into your tymeshift WebApp.
- Go to Schedule .
- Click on the Approvals icon .
- Approve or Decline your agents' requests by clicking on the appropriate button.
Once you've created desired Unassigned Shifts, you can simply drag and drop them to the agents you want to assign it.
Taking an Unassigned Shift from the agent's perspective
For an agent to take an unassigned shift they just have to open their schedule in the web app, right-click the shift that they want to take, select "take it" and the shift will show in red, meaning it has been submitted for the manager to approve, as shown by the GIF below:
Once the manager approves the request the agent has made to take the unassigned shift, the shift will show up in the agent's schedule.