This metrics shows the number of tickets that had activity on them (Public Comment, Private Comment, any tickets that had a group or assignee, or ticket status changed), therefore, this metric tracks any update made on a ticket per agent per day.
Note: Handled Tickets metric counts tickets that originated within the ticket, chat, and voice channels. Chat will only count as handled once the live chat is completed.
Please bear in mind that handled ticket points are calculated in UTC.
Each ticket can be counted as one Handled Ticket per day/per agent. If an agent does five updates to a ticket on one day, he/she will get only one Handled Ticket point. But, if two agents each do five different updates on a single ticket, on the same day, then each agent will be rewarded with one handled ticket point.
Example Workflow:
Day 1
Agent A sends a comment on ticket #23 (1 Handled Ticket point awarded)
Agent A solves a ticket #23 (no Handled Ticket point awarded) but a Solved Ticket will be awarded
Agent B sends a comment on ticket #23 (1 Handled Ticket point awarded)
Agent B escalates ticket #23 (no Handled Ticket point awarded)
Day 2
Agent A escalates ticket #23 (1 Handled Ticket point awarded)
Agent A leaves a public comment on ticket #23 (no Handled Ticket point awarded)
Agent B leaves comment on ticket #23 (1 Handled Ticket point awarded)
Agent B leaves a public comment on ticket #23 (no Handled Ticket point awarded)
false true true