This metric calculates the average number of Solved Tickets per hour (ticket time) and is great to gauge the productivity of your agents.
Important: Please verify what parameter you want to use to calculate resolved per hour - working time or ticket time because they will give two different results.
Formula: (Tickets Solved) / (Ticket Time in decimal value)= Tickets Solved Per Hour
Example: agent Eugene has solved 10 tickets and his time on tickets is 7:20:46 (or 7.6739 once converted to decimal value). If we put this into the formula we would get 10/7.6739=1.36. Please note that if the agent works very little time on tickets and solves tickets the value of Tickets solved per hour will be high. Let's say Eugene solved 10 tickets but worked only 1 minute (or 0.0167 once converted to decimal value), applied to our formula this would look like so 10/0.0167=599.