This metric tracks the total amount of time an agent spends on a ticket from the moment ticket is assigned to him/her until the moment that ticket has the solved status.
Time stops being tracked when the ticket is solved, but if a ticket is re-opened, the time will start running again from the time it is reopened.
Please note that this is real-time and does not indicate the time the agent is actively on the ticket.
A ticket is assigned to Agent A at 10 AM
Agent A assigns ticket to Agent B at 12 PM
Agent B Assigns Ticket back to Agent A at 2PM
Agent A Solves ticket at 4PM
Agent A Assigned Ticket Time = 4 hours (10am until 12pm + 2pm until 4pm)
Agent B Assigned Ticket Time = 2 hours (12pm until 2pm)
You can view this metric from your Summary Report and can view the Assigned Ticket Time by agent or group.
false true true