Tickets Touched represents to the following:
- Any ticket viewed by any agent within the reporting period selected
- If a ticket is viewed twice, it counts as one touch
- No update or any activity on the ticket is required to count as a "ticket touched"
Note: Tickets Touched metric only counts tickets that originated within the ticket channel and not from a chat or voice interaction.
Important: if you are viewing the metric for a date range (let's say a week), keep in mind that the total value will not match the value if you add each day's result manually. This is because we will be excluding the multiple touches done throughout the week on a unique ticket.
Is Tickets Touched the same as the Zendesk metric "Ticket Touches"?
No. The Zendesk metric Ticket Touches refers to a ticket that has an activity on it, such as a comment, private note, or status change. A touch may be counted multiple times on a single ticket but will only count if an activity is performed -- not just opening it as with the tymeshift Ticket Touched metric.
Common uses of Tickets Touched
Tickets Touched is useful to help understand the total number of tickets that are opened by agents within a given reporting period. Most of the time, this metric is diagnostic in nature in the sense that it is used alongside another metric such as Handled Tickets, Solved Tickets, or Public Comments.
Downfalls of Tickets Touched
Because Tickets Touched measures the number of tickets viewed and this does not necessarily represent an action being taken on the ticket this means that it does not represent productivity. Thus it is typically not a good metric to include on an agent's scorecard.
I'm looking for a metric closer to Zendesk's Ticket Touches metric; What should I use?
Zendesk's Ticket Touches metric can be calculated in a variety of ways and it depends on how you've configured the metric. For example, some people opt to count only replies send to the end-user as ticket touches (Public Comments) whereas others count every ticket submission as a Touch. Depending on your configuration, you'll want to use a different combination in tymeshift to get the same results. Here are a couple of common options:
- Add Public Comments and Private Comments together
- Add Attended Tickets, Escalated Tickets, and Solved Tickets together