We're focusing on new things
No need to worry; you'll still have access to this feature, but unfortunately, we can no longer support the Schedules after 1st of December 2023. The good news, though, we're replacing it with new and improved features that will be even better. This feature is being replaced with Schedules. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us at support@tymeshift.com.
This is a legacy feature that is no longer available for customers who signed up for Tymeshift after July 27th, 2022. The functionality in this feature is now available in Schedules.
Oh, the many things you can do with tymeshift Schedules! You can schedule your agents, create Shift Templates, and a whole lot more.
Check out our article about Schedule Settings to learn how to set preferences, restrict agents' access, and set clear rules for your team to follow. Depending on your role and permissions on the team, you may have access to the following features:
If you are an admin, your options are limitless. Click on each topic to learn more about that feature and how you can use it to make your job easier.
- Create Shift Templates
- Set up Intraday Schedules
- Add a Shift to an Agent's Schedule
- Create a Bulk Schedule
- Copy a Previous Week's Schedule
- Approve Time Off, Shift Trades, and Unassigned Shift Requests
If you're an agent, you can do the following (yep - more links!):