We're focusing on new things
No need to worry; you'll still have access to this feature, but unfortunately, we can no longer support the Approvals after 1st of December 2023. The good news, though, we're replacing it with new and improved features that will be even better. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us at support@tymeshift.com.
This is a legacy feature that is no longer available for customers who signed up for Tymeshift after July 27th, 2022. The functionality in this feature is now available in Time Off Management.
It's easy to let your agents Request Time Off using tymeshift! You can also decide if agents need to get a manager’s approval to Trade Shifts or claim an Unassigned Shift.
Follow the steps below to set Time Off, Shift Trade, and Unassigned Shift permissions for your agents:
- Log into your tymeshift WebApp.
- Click on Schedule .
- Click on Settings in the bottom left corner.
- Enable Time Off, Shift Trade, or Unassigned Shift Requests.
Once your agents have permission to request Time Off, a Shift Trade, or to take Unassigned Shifts, you can approve or deny their requests by following the steps below:
- Log into your tymeshift WebApp.
- Click on Schedule .
- Click on the Approvals icon located on the left-hand menu.
- You will see all Pending Requests from your agents.
- Click Approve or Decline on each individual request.
- Your agents will now get a notification telling them whether their request was approved or denied.
Note: if you want to review past decisions you’ve made, tymeshift stores the history for all of your agents' requests in the Approvals view. You can also see the log of who approved requests, published schedules, and more by going to the Schedule log, in Schedule Settings.