Important: please note, at the end of Q3, 2021, we are going to sunset the Intraday Plan since we integrated intraday planning and monitoring functionalities with our latest Automated Schedule feature.
Intraday Plan is an essential tool in your day to day WFM tasks - you can easily see your scheduled staff for the day and even for 15 minute intervals during your business hours. This will enable you to manage your workflow more efficiently and reach your service delivery goals.
Access to the Intraday Plan feature is granted by specifying what kind of permissions your users have to the Scheduling feature. You can assign your team members either a Scheduling Team Lead (Viewing only) or Scheduling Manager (Full Access) permissions in order for them to view Intraday Plan. Here's how to do that:
- Go to Admin .
- Click on Agent Permissions .
- Type agent's name in the search bar.
- Scroll to Features (Web App) section.
- Select either Team Lead or Manager access.
Once you've granted access to Intraday Plan, here's how to access it :
- Log into your tymeshift WebApp.
- Click on Schedule .
- Click on the Weekly Intraday icon on the left side menu.
You can arrange and modify your intraday view by defining below parameters depending on your preferences:
- Date: from the calendar on the top left you can choose which day of the week or month you'd like to view your Intraday Plan. The day highlighted in the calendar is highlighting the current date (by default when opening/refreshing the page it will always highlight the current date).
- Intraday interval: by default, the interval is set to 30 mins and you can adjust the interval results to be displayed for every hour, half an hour or even every 15 minutes.
- Groups: you can group your data by selecting a single agent or all of your groups (agents will be displayed under their default group set in Zendesk). Your last group selection will be saved for the next report load.
- Agent Views: filter your report data using your defined Agent Views.
- Channels: you can choose to view intraday results by specific channels as well. By default, your last channel selection will be saved for the next report load.
Once you've defined Intraday Plan parameters, you will see a competed table report with the data of Scheduled staff, Actual staff and the comparison of the two denominated in % and displayed by your selected increment.
Data of the Scheduled staff represents the calculation you have in your Daily view of the Schedule. General tasks are neither in Scheduled nor in Actual staff calculations. The results in the Intraday Plan represent the portion of the time scheduled (in decimal) of the specific time block, which is based on the interval you selected (1hr, 30mins or 15mins).
1. An agent is scheduled to work 1hr (60min) on Tickets from 9am-10am:
- Block size: 1hr = 1 (9am-10am)
- Block size: 30min = 1 (9am-9:30am)
- Block size: 15min =1 (9am-9:15am)
2. An agent is scheduled to work on tickets for 0.5hr (30min) from 9am-9:30am and is not scheduled to work on tickets from 9:30am-10am.
- Block size: 1hr = 0.5 (9am-10am)
- Block size: 30min = 1 (9am-9:30am)
- Block size: 15min =1 (9am-9:15am)
3. An agent is scheduled to work on tickets for 0.167 hr (10min) from 9am-9:10am and is not scheduled to work on tickets from 9:10am-10am.
- Block size: 1hr = 0.16 (9am-10am)
- Block size: 30min = .33 (9am-9:30am)
- Block size: 15min = .66 (9am-9:15am)
In the S vs A column you will get a value of the Scheduled staff versus the Actual that is working for that time increment.
Formula: (Actual / Scheduled)*100 = S vs A %
In the totals section at the bottom of the page, you will see the sum for the day for both, Scheduled and Actual staff. However, on the S vs A % column total, you will get an average value of the %.
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