We're focusing on new things
No need to worry; you'll still have access to this feature, but unfortunately, we can no longer support the Schedules after 1st of December 2023. The good news, though, we're replacing it with new and improved features that will be even better. This feature is being replaced with Schedules. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us at support@tymeshift.com.
This is a legacy feature that is no longer available for customers who signed up for Tymeshift after July 27th, 2022. The functionality in this feature is now available in Schedules.
The Schedule gives you the ability to filter your view by groups and/or agents. If you want to hide or show a specific group of agents on your Schedule, you can use the Group Filter.
To hide or show specific groups, simply follow the steps below:
- Log into your Tymeshift WebApp.
- Click on Schedule .
- In the right side filtering options, select if you want to show or hide agents without shifts.
- In the Group Settings feature under the gear icon , select which groups you want to see. Note that agents will only show under their default groups in Zendesk.
- Expand each group and select/unselect any agent you want/don't want to appear on your Schedule.
Important: only groups that have at least one active agent will be shown on the group list in the Schedule.