We're focusing on new things
No need to worry; you'll still have access to this feature, but unfortunately, we can no longer support the States Dashboard after 1st of December 2023. The good news, though, we're replacing it with new and improved features that will be even better. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us at support@tymeshift.com.
Part of Talk+, the States Dashboard provides in real-time (in tandem with Who's Working) a high-level view of current states that agents are currently working in. Divided into 3 types of states (Talk, Occupied, Unoccupied), it gives you a more precise view of the states of currently clocked-in agents and allows you to better distribute your Team workflow.
All users who have permissions to access the Who's Working feature are able to access the States Dashboard.
- Log into your tymeshift WebApp.
- Click on the icon.
- Select States Dashboard.
The States Dashboard is divided into 3 different sections that contain different groups of states:
- Talk: reflects the Zendesk Talk states of your agents (Online, On Call, Wrap Up, Offline, Away). This section is showing data if you are using Zendesk Talk and consequently tracking your Team's Zendesk Talk states in tymeshift.
- Occupied States: shows agents who are in a productive state. That includes other channels like Tickets and Chat and the General Tasks that are set as Productive Time.
- Unoccupied States: shows agents who are in an unproductive state. That includes Untracked Time and the General Tasks that are set as or Unproductive Time or Excluded from the Occupancy.
Note: if you are not using Zendesk Talk but a Zendesk CTI partner, you won't see any data under the Talk column. Nevertheless, you will be able to see agents that are currently on a call under the Occupied States as Voice.
All agents who are currently working, appear in the dashboard under a specific group of one of the state's section. For each agent you can see the following information:
- Shift name: the shift that is assigned to the agent. This reflects your Shift Template name (unless you didn't use a template and created the shift manually).
- Agent name and profile picture: pulled from Zendesk. The picture appears only if it's available in Zendesk.
- Total Time: the time that the agent has been clocked into this particular state.
- Shift End: the shift end time of the agent for the current day.
Note: if the agent doesn't have any shift assigned, the Shift name will show as Not Scheduled and no data will appear under the Shift End column.
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